A chair, a faucet, and a cup

Sahar Batsry
Bezalel Academy of Art and Design

These three familiar products have been re-designed in order to invest them with additional functional properties that address the larger context in which they are used. The new features are needed in order for the object to expand its usage and usability.

A chair, a faucet, and a cup

Gavin Ivester: "These designs require just a tiny bit of explanation, and that's their strength. They solve real problems in clever ways-not necessarily changing the world, but creating a nice series of 'a-ha!'s that will age well."

Anne Ellegood: "These quirky designs are quite elegant. X + 1 takes existing objects and makes them smarter. The cup is my favorite-not only for its solution to the drainage problem (clearly nothing any of us are losing sleep over) but because it takes the typically symmetrical design of the coffee cup and makes it slightly askew, giving it added character without making it absurd."

A chair, a faucet, and a cup

Sahar Batsry
mashmo@hotmail.com Bezalel Academy of Art and Design

Age: 28

Design Education:
B.A. Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem.

Design Inspiration:
I get inspired from ordinary daily objects. I like the esthetics of the non-designed ones. I also have a kinky attraction for oriental-cheap stuff. They tend to have the same dignity, only from the other side.

Design Heroes:
Jasper Morrison; Arne Jacobsen

A chair, a faucet, and a cup

Sahar Batsry
Bezalel Academy of Art and Design

These three familiar products have been re-designed in order to invest them with additional functional properties that address the larger context in which they are used. The new features are needed in order for the object to expand its usage and usability.