Nautilus CD case

For some reason, all portable CD players look like Chicklets--usually the grey-black variety. Yet these are products often used by younger people who listen to loud, colorful music. What a dichotomy. Nonetheless, until CD players start looking better, choosing one is simply be a matter of selecting the least ugly one you can afford. Same with the case, which might be one of those zipper-style booklets--also from the School of Chicklet Design.

Imagine a CD carrier which looks attractive and exciting, is easy to use, protects its contents, and is priced inexpensively. The center would be nothing more than sponge foam, molded and sliced. The CDs would slot into the soft center where they would be held tenderly yet securely. The hard outer shells, made of polycarbonate or aluminum, would compress this sponge when closed. The fastening hinge could be a simple push-pull device, made from a polycarbonate, aluminum or steel. And if designed right, it might even look good next to a grey-black Chicklet.

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