Coroflot once again sponsored the job board at this year's Interaction conference, and once again it got all filled up. Microsoft, R/GA, Ziba, Viz, Digitas Health, Big Fish Games, Frog, Amazon, and, um, are all looking for qualified IxD pros, and plenty more companies besides. With the continued dearth of IxD-specific majors out there, it's still something of a job-seekers market, though not quite the feeding frenzy of last year. Several schools have recently stepped up to fill the need though -- a good fraction of the cards posted on the "looking for work" board belonged to current students of Vancouver's own Simon Fraser University, which helped to not only organize the conference, but supplied a large cluster of excited student volunteers, adding enthusiasm to the already giddy event.
Other notable observations: lots and lots of smartphones (and no qualms about indoctrinating the youth -- one mother at the conference explained that her two-year-old now picks up anything slab-shaped and starts talking on it like it's mommy's phone...), lots of sketching in Sharpie and on Post-It Notes, and lots of brand new tech (EyeFi is a card that slips into your phone's memory slot and transmits recently shot photos to your computer back home).
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{School of Interactive Arts & Technology}