A group of University of Minnesota students have banded together "with the intent of developing simple solutions for everyday problems." Sounds like an ID program, no? In actuality they're business management students, not designers, who have nevertheless come up with their first product: The Toepener.
The students have formed a limited liability company, Forge LLC, and launched the Toepener earlier this year. I initially thought the simple device was designed for the disabled, but in fact it's simply to feed into the orangutuan-like behavior we engage in in filthy public restrooms, where we use our feet for everything rather than our hands.
"Commercials" for the device are a bit silly and offensively equate Bruce Lee with ninjas, but it gives you the idea:
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Find them at www.thetoepener.com
If they have done a simpleresearch on Google, for door+foot+handle, they would know it.
I also agree with Duane. For a bathroom, a push door that opens outwards is the best solution, specially in emergency situations.
Too easy for drunk people to get their foot, shoe, sandal, pants caught on it: annoying and trip/fall risk. Even a remote risk (read as liability) for someone to impale themselves on it if they fall into it. Close the hook into a loop; you can get cut, but not impaled. Make sure it's big enough to allow toes to exert enough force, yet no so big a foot can get caught.